
Our Co-Founder David T Stevens speaks about a couple of different topics that your organization can benefit from. Topics will be customized for the group. 

  • Increase your Events Effectiveness by Incorporating Wellness. 

  • Staying Well While on the Road - The fittest man in events cheat sheet. 

David has been on the speaking circuit since 2022 and has presenting at more than 50+ events to audiences ranging from 50 to 1,000+ While the majority of his presentations have been to his peers and fellow event professionals at PreVue, IMEX, Smart Meetings, Northstar Meetings, and Connect. He has also been a speaker at Social Media Marketing World, SXSW and presented to a variety of private institutions to help their teams improve their wellness during extensive travel or how to integrate wellness into their clients programs. 

If you would like to book David, click here.