Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Time to Activate Aloha Safety

Ready to retreat to Hawaii? At Activate Aloha we want you to be palekana (safe) while you ho’i i hope (retreat) here in Honolulu with us.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

The OM Story

Well as many brilliant ideas begin - they start over sharing a meal with friends and family.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

The Importance of Breathing

Breathing is the process of respiration and it’s also a sign in Greek for the both presence and absence of a breath at the beginning of a word.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Activate the Aloha Spirit in You

Aloha is the Hawaiian word for peace, love, compassion, affection and mercy. It’s generally used as a greeting or parting from someone. However, the word Aloha, has a deeper spiritual and cultural meaning to native Hawaiians.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

From the Couch to the Meeting Room

When the shelter in place dies down, people will start to get back to work and start to get back to events. Events always bounce back, but now in the new normal, events will start to take a new shape.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Truth in the Jungles of the Yucatan

The jungles of the Yucatan are green, beautiful, and peaceful. I spent some time there this month and was in awe of the small villages alongside the road with the houses made of palapa, dried palm leaves.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Truth in Travel 2020

Cheers to a life of travel in 2020. Traveling is to make a journey, typically of some length. This has been an iconic year of travel.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Purify & Pray

I was chatting on the phone with a special friend this weekend and he mentioned the words purify and pray. I loved it. Reminds me of the eat, pray, love journey of oneself.

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Ariadni Pereira Ariadni Pereira

Connection during COVID

In light of social distancing, we are still human and have the need to connect with one another. The idea of social distancing goes against everything we are taught and accustomed to greeting each other with a kiss on the cheek or a hand shake.

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