Sheri Traxler


Imagine your teams collaborating better. Imagine every team member healthy and engaged. Almost 90% of employees look for wellness when considering a company.

Let’s make yours one of them.

Through speaking, corporate training, and mentoring private clients, Sheri helps busy leaders and professionals create extraordinary energy, calm the chaos and break up with diets for good. Her clients enjoy work, family, and fun -- with real energy and freedom.

She helps you design and create a wellness culture, unique to your company.

- Breakroom and boardroom practices to maximize energy and engagement.

- Surprising ways to build calm in your workplace, without taking everyone to yoga camp.

- Working with your company values, to combine “hard work” and “work-life balance” to attract (and keep) top talent. 

Because of her own experiences with adrenal fatigue, plus over 30 years of coaching and speaking, she launched the Real Wellness Podcast. It is tailored for driven professionals.

She is also the author of Go Forward: 28 Days to Eat, Move, and Enjoy Life God’s Way.

Sheri holds her Master's in Health Promotion, is a Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, Nutrition Specialist, and Intuitive Eating Counselor. 

She is a national speaker for the Medical Fitness Association, has led fitness episodes for Viacom Cable, taught Corporate Wellness at Belmont University, and directed programs for 12 years at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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